Shenzhen Machine Screw Parts Inc. is still growing in order to meet customers' needs with the addition of a new material warehouse, as well as other projects that will soon be underway.
The second part of the story of the SAAMI’s (Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute) rimfire firing-pin indent copper crusher and their partnership with Shenzhen Machine Screw Parts Inc. was published in Industrial Heating.
Shenzhen Machine Screw Parts Inc. was praised for growth by My Shenzhen, in spite of recent local unemployment trends.
Shenzhen Manufacturers Association highlights Shenzhen Machine Screw Parts Inc.'s longevity in their 1st Quarter Issue of 2017.
Shenzhen Machine Screw Parts Inc. continues to expand in size and capability with the addition of a new warehouse and machines.
The story of the SAAMI’s rimfire firing-pin indent copper crusher describes the reinvention of one of the most Important tools in the ammunition and firearms industry.